Put the folder "Module STD Routines" into your "THINK C" folder. Then Think C can find the files easy, and we don't have to go through what we have been going through with previous modules. If you are "re building" a older module, use these files to update your old module to the new stuff. Just copy and paste in the new "main" code that starts a module (all we changed is the part after the "programmers name" so that we now can say what our module is too). You SHOULD generate prototypes for the old module, and turn on "require prototypes". You may find a few bugs this way too! I use the FKEY that's available for Think C to generate Prototypes. You just copy your code to the CLIPBOARD, and then press CMD-SHIFT-8 and it generates ALL prototypes and leaves them in the clipboard. You then just PASTE them into your program ! It's really nice, and its freeware! (it's on the Support BBS here, and on AOL somewhere) The Think 5.0 Shell should work OK, and we turn off all that 5.0 stuff so that it's more like 4.x anyway. I only tested this "Shell" with it, but it should work OK with everything else. Let me know! Nate... AOL> N Hawthorn Internet> ssbbs!nateh@quake.sylmar.ca.us Snail Mail> 25050 Ave Kerany #106 Valencia CA 91355